Accelerate your Deployments with DevOps Consulting

EasyDeploy helps to optimize the cost, scalability and agility of your IT ecosystem with our DevOps Consulting service. We provide various DevOps automation services to the businesses to build, test, and deploy the applications in the most advanced and automated way. We take care of the process from the assessment of DevOps to management and automation services to deliver time-to-market applications.

We have a team of experienced DevOps consultants, targeted to provide fully automated deployment using configuration management and CI tools. We integrate your existing tools with our ecosystem of open source automation tools. By automating the development, deployment and testing process we can be able to offer high quality and well-tested applications with unique features and functionalities.

We at EasyDeploy help in leveraging the development cycle of startups around the world by the adoption of gitflow workflow such as CI/CD process through our DevOps Consulting.

  • Innovation through collaboration
  • Provides higher scalability
  • Build healthy DevOps culture with faster turnarounds
  • Improved productivity rate
  • Higher software quality in shorter time period
  • Minimizes costs with improved reliability
  • Minimized security risks through continuous monitoring and automation

Jenkins Setup

Jenkins is an open-source automation tool used for Continuous Integration purpose making it easier for developers to integrate their changes to the project. We will setup Jenkins and configure CI/CD pipeline thus making your work much easier.

Docker Setup

Docker is a containerization platform that packages the application and its dependencies together to make the application work linear on all the environments. We can write docker-compose.yaml based on your requirement enabling you to run containers easily.

Bitbucket pipeline setup

Bitbucket pipeline is a CI/CD service built on bitbucket and it enables you to build, test and deploy the code in automatic manner on the basis of file configuration in the existing repository.

Github pipeline setup

It is a series of automated workflows that helps the DevOps team to cut down some of the manual tasks. With the usage of Github pipeline, building CI/CD becomes a straightforward process.

AWS Codecommit pipeline setup

It is a fully managed source service control for hosting the secured Git based repository. CodeCommit can bring ease for the team in collaborating code in a secured and scalable ecosystem.

Gitlab pipeline setup

Gitlab provides CI/CD pipeline configuration, container registry and issue tracking while setting up the pipeline.

Benefits of Choosing our DevOps Consulting

Time to Market

Our DevOps consulting services accelerate time to market by managing the productivity team effectively.

Better collaboration and communication

Boost collaboration and communication within your organization through Easydeploy's DevOps consulting services, breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional collaboration among development, operations, and quality assurance teams.

High reliability

With our DevOps solution, embrace cloud-native architectures, containerization, and automated scaling to rapidly respond to increased demand while maintaining optimal performance and reliability.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I adopt DevOps consultation for my business?
Adopting DevOps Consulting for your business helps with better collaboration, faster software delivery, and improves overall productivity.
Where does DevOps Consulting Come in?
DevOps Consulting comes in to facilitate faster delivery of new features and efficient deployment of applications through the integration of development and operations practices.
What role does automation take in DevOps implementation?
Automation helps to speed up the process, scale the environment and also automate the repetitive tasks

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